JensAar: Zanto and Kaisa
JensAar: Man's best friend
JensAar: Hot lips
JensAar: Watching you
JensAar: I need to swim
JensAar: Only the sky is the limit
JensAar: flickr explore #31
JensAar: 4. "Yeah!"
JensAar: 1. "Oh my God, look! It's huge!"
JensAar: 3. "Awesome!"
JensAar: 5. "Wonder what the guys behind us are doing?"
JensAar: 6. "Let's have look..."
JensAar: Retrieve
JensAar: Just you try to catch it!
JensAar: Pose
JensAar: Where the h... is the ball?
JensAar: Keeping balanced
JensAar: Wish I could fly
JensAar: Man's best friend ll
JensAar: Ball fight
JensAar: Friendship bond
JensAar: Soul-doctor
JensAar: Let's call it a day...
JensAar: Just the two of us
JensAar: Stance
JensAar: Twisted
JensAar: Miss Big Tongue
JensAar: Miss Big Tongue ll
JensAar: What will kill a dog first blocks its nose (2)
JensAar: Steady now!