jenniedo: Ed Broadbent
jenniedo: Our two hosts
jenniedo: Introducing Linda
jenniedo: The convention floor
jenniedo: Team Layton
jenniedo: Linda Duncan with the caucus
jenniedo: Hockey night in Halifax
jenniedo: Peter Stoffer and the veterans
jenniedo: Jo Cook
jenniedo: Gary Doer
jenniedo: Delegate tools
jenniedo: Gary Doer
jenniedo: Teaching us
jenniedo: Alexa McDonough
jenniedo: Waiting for Alexa to finish
jenniedo: Jack and Alexa
jenniedo: Premier Dexter
jenniedo: It CAN be done
jenniedo: Halifax harbour
jenniedo: The Wave party
jenniedo: Speaking for a resolution
jenniedo: Speaking against a resolution
jenniedo: Delegates at the mike
jenniedo: Mark Greenan and Wilf Day
jenniedo: The Québec delegation
jenniedo: Linda Duncan speaks against a motion
jenniedo: The blue-green alliance!
jenniedo: Marshall Ganz
jenniedo: Marshall Ganz