jeanphony: upload
jeanphony: My view from the stage of the #uxawards (#latergram #alienabduction)
jeanphony: Robot? Alien?
jeanphony: E's b-day present
jeanphony: Brooklyn #signs #painted #ghostsign
jeanphony: E's morning b-day bouncey rave party
jeanphony: @momentdesign field day
jeanphony: @momentdesign field day
jeanphony: Real-time virtual workshop post-it noting for user journey...
jeanphony: This kid is 8 today, unbelievable! #latergram
jeanphony: And now 1001
jeanphony: Ed-iPhone
jeanphony: "Service" for @zaic
jeanphony: Springtime
jeanphony: My new favorite dialog box
jeanphony: First @momentdesign book club meeting today... Working our way through Janet Murray's latest.
jeanphony: upload
jeanphony: upload
jeanphony: Lobby ceiling