G-Rant1: This is what happens when your 6-year old decides to help plan your monthly schedule.
G-Rant1: Annie at school.
tgblox: One year anniversary.
G-Rant1: Our new front door. Will be painted, along with the house, later this month.
G-Rant1: They told me they were cowgirls.
ArchiTexty: Washington, DC Logan Circle
gdmauldin46: Lots of "little blue flowers" this year. (Linum flax))
G-Rant1: Ballet recital. New York has called. Twice.
G-Rant1: Slide
G-Rant1: Annie drew this for Mr. Van Zandt last night.
G-Rant1: Goose in boots.
G-Rant1: Annie is now five. Crazy.
G-Rant1: Simple pleasures
G-Rant1: First proper boot purchase was a success.
Stu_Jo: remuddled
tgblox: So pleased to be Guardian (Volunteer) at Tulsa Historical Society!
gdmauldin46: Liana and Alan
ArchiTexty: Fort Wayne, IN Concordia Theological Seminary
ArchiTexty: Fort Wayne, IN Concordia Theological Seminary - Dining Hall
Stu_Jo: Architectural Historian Stephen Fox speaks about the work of Milton Ryan, in Ryan's University Presbyterian Church, during @docomomous #tourday #MidTexMod #satx #sanantonio #midcenturymodern #architecture
tgblox: Grandfather David D Mauldin
G-Rant1: Classic Ellis sister interaction
tgblox: Mare's tail?
gdmauldin46: IMG_0746.MOV
G-Rant1: Range of Emotions
balistica: Rivers likes it too
ArchiTexty: Oceanside, CA Star Theater
Stu_Jo: mid-century modern rest area - demolished
ceramicsCLW: flickr06
ceramicsCLW: flickr03c