jasra: The parts
jasra: Parts
jasra: Waiting for the sides to set
jasra: Waiting for the sides to set
jasra: It has a roof!
jasra: Main roof decorations are done
jasra: The roof
jasra: Making icicles
jasra: The front door
jasra: Side view
jasra: The finished product
jasra: All done!
jasra: "I spy a tasty village!"
jasra: Coming in for the kill!
jasra: Goodbye, gingerbread man!
jasra: Biting the head off of the gingerbread man
jasra: Nom nom nom
jasra: Minor roof destruction
jasra: Chewing on the roof
jasra: And the roof cracks!
jasra: Nom nom nom!
jasra: The destruction!
jasra: Jenn goes in for her bite
jasra: Me eating the gingerbread roof