jasonpfinch: urban eden
jasonpfinch: O2 etc
jasonpfinch: rent a flat above a shop
jasonpfinch: Sleeping Rough
jasonpfinch: Gwynne Place leading to Granville Square
jasonpfinch: Gwynne Place leading to Granville Square
jasonpfinch: Riceyman House
jasonpfinch: Myddelton Square
jasonpfinch: Myddlelton Square, EC1
jasonpfinch: social housing
jasonpfinch: old Clerkenwell
jasonpfinch: C20 commercial
jasonpfinch: social housing
jasonpfinch: Islington Museum
jasonpfinch: Brunswick Close Estate
jasonpfinch: Slice of old Clerkenwell
jasonpfinch: New Clerkenwell
jasonpfinch: Aylesbury Street, EC1
jasonpfinch: A mission, Clerkenwell
jasonpfinch: a terrace of artisans' cottages
jasonpfinch: former brewery
jasonpfinch: 1940s or 1950s social housing
jasonpfinch: fortress-like social housing
jasonpfinch: Whitecross Street
jasonpfinch: Mitchell Street and Helmet Row
jasonpfinch: Central Street EC1
jasonpfinch: iron foundry and gasometer
jasonpfinch: old works
jasonpfinch: multiple occupation
jasonpfinch: the gasworks