Jason-Morrison: Sandstone ledges at Virginia Kendall
Jason-Morrison: Rolling hills near Virginia Kendall
Jason-Morrison: Late in the day
Jason-Morrison: Cotton clouds above a field in the Cuyahoga Valley
Jason-Morrison: Kendall Lake in Fall
Jason-Morrison: Branches reach across the sky
Jason-Morrison: Colorful leaves on the shore of Kendall Lake
Jason-Morrison: Trail from the ledges to the lake
Jason-Morrison: Pines above the trail
Jason-Morrison: Red fall leaves
Jason-Morrison: At the overlook
Jason-Morrison: View above the ledges at Virginia Kendall
Jason-Morrison: Sandstone ledges and trees
Jason-Morrison: Virginia Kendall ledges from below
Jason-Morrison: Sandstone ledges
Jason-Morrison: Up into the trees
Jason-Morrison: Textured, weathered sandstone
Jason-Morrison: Honeycomb weathering on sandstone