Jason-Morrison: html-source
Jason-Morrison: Adding a subdirectory as a new site in Google Webmaster Tools
Jason-Morrison: Procrastato, a Firefox productivity extension
Jason-Morrison: Plain Cleveland area map, the base for a heat map
Jason-Morrison: Heat map we used for house hunting, with hotspots placed at locations we need to drive to
Jason-Morrison: Heatmap of proximity to parks
Jason-Morrison: Example map showing parks selected
Jason-Morrison: Percentage with college education by census block
Jason-Morrison: Overlay of college education map
Jason-Morrison: Final heat map, showing the best locations to live
Jason-Morrison: Final heat map, the union of all layers
Jason-Morrison: Screen shot of SouthParkStudios.com
Jason-Morrison: A bleeding ear
Jason-Morrison: Screen shot of a Cleveland-area heat map from Localographer
Jason-Morrison: Screen shot of a Bay-area heat map from Localographer
Jason-Morrison: Localographer logo
Jason-Morrison: Google Earth vs. Reality - San Francisco from the Bay
Jason-Morrison: Google Earth vs. Reality - San Francisco
Jason-Morrison: Google Earth vs. Reality - San Francisco from Coit Tower
Jason-Morrison: Google Earth vs. Reality - Mycenae, Greece
Jason-Morrison: Google Earth vs. Reality - Athens from the Acropolis
Jason-Morrison: Google Earth vs. Reality - Athens and the new Acropolis Museum
Jason-Morrison: Problems with Cuil search
Jason-Morrison: My site's favicon, blown up to ridiculous proportions
Jason-Morrison: Screenshot of my tag cloud Wordpress plugin in action
Jason-Morrison: Hurricane Gustav as seen from stormpulse.com
Jason-Morrison: Our baby will be famous in England!
Jason-Morrison: Baby name article in the Sydney Morning Herald
Jason-Morrison: Now the kid is famous in Australia
Jason-Morrison: Map from RealClearPolitics.com