T i s d a l e: Mergers and Acquisitions
Pat Dalton...: Merry Christmas to all.
..dca..: Charming red
T i s d a l e: Summer Pizzazz
happiehippie50: Aunt Lorene's Beautiful Flowers
happiehippie50: Sending My Love
T i s d a l e: Betwixt and Between
Colorado Sands: Pumpkins
T i s d a l e: Tranquility
bonnie5378: alone in the woods..
nushuz: “In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence.” ― Robert Lynd
Maraymondo: Autumn arrives at the canal ....
T i s d a l e: Wetlands Green
Pat Dalton...: The corn field.
T i s d a l e: Twilight On The Midway
Mary Faith.: Clivia
T i s d a l e: Crotalaria In The Field
T i s d a l e: Ticket to Ride
Brenda Boisvert: Standing Tall
bonnie5378: I'll give you some tips......
Carol (Nona): Fall Hues
nanaaphotos: Pumpkin Cookies
T i s d a l e: Vision Quest
T i s d a l e: High Cotton Dawn