Jamrose33: At Stara Kanapa, "the old couch"
Jamrose33: The beginning of Terri's birthday night....
Jamrose33: nice picture, isn't it?
Jamrose33: party people
Jamrose33: Kamila and Gracia
Jamrose33: Do you know this look?
Jamrose33: All dressed up!
Jamrose33: me and the birthday girl Terri
Jamrose33: Great... I love it....
Jamrose33: Laurence and Terri
Jamrose33: this is what we call a headlamp
Jamrose33: good thing he turned the light off
Jamrose33: Terri and Pete
Jamrose33: peace offering?
Jamrose33: me and Darren
Jamrose33: where did the bunny ears come from?
Jamrose33: Jolon fixing himself up
Jamrose33: Kamila remembering her waitressing skills
Jamrose33: ladies of the night
Jamrose33: Check out the hair! It's raspberry.
Jamrose33: of course I can't remember his name right now
Jamrose33: 2nd from the left... black turtleneck...famous Polish actor!
Jamrose33: Lee wanted the profile shot
Jamrose33: nice picture :)
Jamrose33: I think she is being tickled?
Jamrose33: um... not sure...
Jamrose33: Dean looks cute with his bowtie
Jamrose33: I like this one
Jamrose33: Dean and Ania series!
Jamrose33: smiles