jamie {74}: parallelogram
jamie {74}: bouquet on the front stoop
jamie {74}: bouquet on the front stoop
jamie {74}: ...and the other one that i love
jamie {74}: lazy summer mornings
jamie {74}: aglow
jamie {74}: there is always a certain peace in being what one is, in being that completely
jamie {74}: the photographer's eye
jamie {74}: did you know...
jamie {74}: summer on the table
jamie {74}: ephemeral
jamie {74}: lengthening afternoons of long flowing dusk, and midnight rain opening lilacs
jamie {74}: chillaxin in a party dress
jamie {74}: she was the faintest scent of a cactus flower
jamie {74}: we bought some spring this morning
jamie {74}: is there life before coffee?
jamie {74}: g r a v i t y
jamie {74}: contemplation seems to be about the only luxury that costs nothing
jamie {74}: 1.11.11
jamie {74}: all at once she knew, this was the ultimate in fulfillment, to please a man you loved
jamie {74}: she has her reasons
jamie {74}: how dare you!
jamie {74}: a moratorium on scarves
jamie {74}: 12/31: Poe in October
jamie {74}: bam ~ the kenny powers edition
jamie {74}: on the coffee table
jamie {74}: chillin' [1]
jamie {74}: chillin' [2]*
jamie {74}: Respect the child. Be not too much his parent. Trespass not on his solitude. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson { + two in comments}
jamie {74}: {morning ritual}