jamie {74}: { secret language }
jamie {74}: plum pinecone
jamie {74}: She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.
jamie {74}: springtime admirations
jamie {74}: forgotten summersweet
jamie {74}: peekaboo
jamie {74}: saturday mornin' blackberries
jamie {74}: vinca vine on a sunny morn
jamie {74}: bloom { + more in comments }
jamie {74}: Spring is here with tweet and trill, if there blooms the daffodil.
jamie {74}: up a tree {+ 1 in comments}
jamie {74}: panning for frogs {+ 2 in comments}
jamie {74}: You belong among the wild flowers, you belong on a boat out at sea, far away from your troubles and worry, you belong somewhere you feel free.
jamie {74}: dedication. {+ 1 in comments}
jamie {74}: {generosity}
jamie {74}: Let ’em dream long as they want to … of June somewhere on the Erie line … and crabapple blossoms.
jamie {74}: e ~ four and a half years old and full of life {+ 1 in comments}
jamie {74}: full swing spring {+ 1 in comments}
jamie {74}: love you, columbine
jamie {74}: little feet {+ 2 in comments}
jamie {74}: Once I spoke the language of the flowers...
jamie {74}: we are now boarding an....
jamie {74}: such a renna face.
jamie {74}: i see the world through brand new eyes
jamie {74}: windows to my soul
jamie {74}: it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all
jamie {74}: we belong to the light
jamie {74}: restraint equals indulgence
jamie {74}: a small token of friendship
jamie {74}: 8/31: Simplicity