jamie {74}: lensbaby trike I
jamie {74}: lensbaby trike II
jamie {74}: bright light! bright light!
jamie {74}: no mas, mamita!
jamie {74}: ...after the fall...
jamie {74}: ...the fall...
jamie {74}: lil' lensbaby
jamie {74}: ...steps to my alma mater...
jamie {74}: sweet lola loves the sun
jamie {74}: lola may
jamie {74}: ...the walk to school...
jamie {74}: harley detail I
jamie {74}: what's your favorite color?
jamie {74}: harley detail II
jamie {74}: yep, she's still in a halloween mood...
jamie {74}: a little lensbaby action
jamie {74}: lensbaby gerbera
jamie {74}: my funny valentine
jamie {74}: There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter and noise.
jamie {74}: Untitled
jamie {74}: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star