jackszwergoldarchives: “No War • World Peace • Stand With Ukraine” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “No Winners in a Nuclear War • When They Press that Button Our Ass Gotta Go – Sun Ra” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Putin Hands Off Ukraine” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Stop Putler!” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Without Freedom in the Ukraine There is No Freedom in the World” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Putin Burn in Hell” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Russians Wake Up!” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Putin is a Bitch (He Will Rot in Hell)” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Ur President is a Terrorist” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Protect Our Sky • We Will Handle the Rest” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Putin Get Out of Ukraine” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Peace 4 Ukraine • Polonium 4 Putin” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: Putin Molotov cocktail label poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: Poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Putin us a War Criminal” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: Rambling nonsense poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Fuck Putin” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “NATO Implement No Fly Zone” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.
jackszwergoldarchives: “Thug” poster at a pro-Ukraine rally in Times Square.