ix 2024: ¡Feliz 2014! / Happy 2014!
ix 2024: rito de pasaje / rite of passage
ix 2024: [ i¡ ]
ix 2024: Barely
ix 2024: calle magisterio nacional, tlalpan, df, méxico
ix 2024: Villahermosa ribereña
ix 2024: Plastic love
ix 2024: "a life worth fighting for"
ix 2024: "Slow me down, it´s getting away from me..."
ix 2024: "Hay azules que se caen de morados..." / "There are blues that fall out of purples" / "Es gibt blauen dass von violett runter fallen" (Carlos Pellicer dixit)
ix 2024: Escalinata monumento a la Revolución Mexicana
ix 2024: Peinar el cielo / To comb the sky
ix 2024: Nictálope / Nyctalope
ix 2024: ¡Feliz 2016! / Happy 2016!
ix 2024: Vitalismo / Vitalism
ix 2024: muro puerta ventana / wall door window
ix 2024: Entre todos lo sabemos todo / Among everyone, we know everything
ix 2024: Mexican Haiku / Haikú mexicano
ix 2024: "I know there's gonna be (good times)"
ix 2024: Ala aleve / Perfidious wing
ix 2024: Mistakes / Equivocaciones
ix 2024: Souless dreamer
ix 2024: Crystal fiend
ix 2024: MegaTlate
ix 2024: "Nothing is real / Nothing is unreal"
ix 2024: Just keep on walking
ix 2024: Betweentime / Entretiempo
ix 2024: Re-espiral /Re-spiral
ix 2024: A otra cosa... / To the next thing...