isshokenmei: mom and teenager giraffe
isshokenmei: slurp pt III
isshokenmei: slurp pt II
isshokenmei: love the wee spots between the horns
isshokenmei: how YOU doin'?
isshokenmei: oh hi there
isshokenmei: momma giraffe eye-to-eye
isshokenmei: slllllurp
isshokenmei: teenager gazelle
isshokenmei: so knobbly
isshokenmei: Knobbly papa giraffe
isshokenmei: Giraffe fambly
isshokenmei: another other angle
isshokenmei: another angle
isshokenmei: the business end
isshokenmei: Maybe British nobility...
isshokenmei: The Noble Porcupine
isshokenmei: Black Rhino, eye-to-eye
isshokenmei: fluffy ears!
isshokenmei: I think his name was Siroc?
isshokenmei: rhino snots
isshokenmei: so demure and dainty
isshokenmei: dainty
isshokenmei: prehensile upper lip in action
isshokenmei: Lightning bolt horn black rhinoceros
isshokenmei: teenager flamingo wants hugs
isshokenmei: It's gonna be that kinda party...
isshokenmei: Flamingo footed
isshokenmei: I want him on my team
isshokenmei: Arctic Wolf