isephoto: 69009 dragging 92038, Isham 10/09/24
isephoto: Cattle Egret
isephoto: Pink-footed Goose
isephoto: Pink-footed Goose
isephoto: Purple Hairstreak in a Kettering garden
isephoto: 69008 Isham 11/6/24
isephoto: Wood Duck female
isephoto: Great White Egret
isephoto: Yellow-legged Gull
isephoto: Lapwing chick
isephoto: Red-crested Pochard
isephoto: Egyptian Goose
isephoto: Reed Bunting in the garden
isephoto: Great White Egret
isephoto: Siskin
isephoto: Redpoll in the rain
isephoto: IMG_0116
isephoto: Egyptian Goose
isephoto: Siskin
isephoto: Great Black-backed Gull
isephoto: Great White Egret
isephoto: IMG_0069
isephoto: IMG_0005
isephoto: Yellow Wagtails with horses
isephoto: Spotted Flycatcher
isephoto: Poplar Hawk Moth
isephoto: Yellow-legged Gull
isephoto: Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker in garden
isephoto: 60028 24/5/21 Isham
isephoto: Sedge Warbler in the park