irulethegalaxy: close up
irulethegalaxy: And up next!
irulethegalaxy: Balanced!
irulethegalaxy: crosshatch
irulethegalaxy: Knitters, feel my pain.
irulethegalaxy: Know what this is?
irulethegalaxy: (061-365) A day to celebrate!
irulethegalaxy: (104-365) Aren't you done YET?
irulethegalaxy: (113-365) TMQ is unimpressed.
irulethegalaxy: color accuracy
irulethegalaxy: Bored, bored, bored
irulethegalaxy: Way too big!
irulethegalaxy: Yes, I am crazy. (031-365 ADAD) (142-365)
irulethegalaxy: knitting, pre-movie
irulethegalaxy: knitting, post-movie
irulethegalaxy: for elisabeth
irulethegalaxy: Hey, Krackle?
irulethegalaxy: Proof of insanity
irulethegalaxy: sadface!
irulethegalaxy: End of February sock update (170-365)
irulethegalaxy: knitpicks done shorted me! >:(
irulethegalaxy: Know what this means?
irulethegalaxy: How my day started out
irulethegalaxy: tonight's project
irulethegalaxy: RIP, little digital scale!