irulethegalaxy: Wonky lino eye
irulethegalaxy: (062-365) She's the mayor of Stinkytown!
irulethegalaxy: Happy day!
irulethegalaxy: Trinket in knits!
irulethegalaxy: Trinket loves Nintendo!
irulethegalaxy: Trinket and Boxy.
irulethegalaxy: . . . . she kinda puny though.
irulethegalaxy: She's tiny!
irulethegalaxy: You gots me a bendy friend!
irulethegalaxy: Really tiny!
irulethegalaxy: Cross-eyed
irulethegalaxy: Stinky but cute!
irulethegalaxy: I am a horrible doll mommy
irulethegalaxy: homeless lino