Irish Arts Center: Consul General of Ireland Noel Kilkenny
Irish Arts Center: Musician Dan Neely and Gwen Orel
Irish Arts Center: Nancy Oda, John Spinks and guest
Irish Arts Center: IAC Box Office Manager Jen Browne and Dancer Darrah Carr
Irish Arts Center: Walter O'Hara, Mary O'Dowd and John McEnroe
Irish Arts Center: Esther Milsted and Mark Villamar with Irish Arts Center Director of Education, Communication and Outreach Rachael Gilkey
Irish Arts Center: Irish Arts Center Members Seamus and Elizabeth O'Rourke
Irish Arts Center: Enjoying the beautiful view at Mr. Noel Kilkenny, Consul General of Ireland and Mrs. Hanora O'Dea Kilkenny's residence.
Irish Arts Center: Vice Chair Pauline Turley with Walter O'Hara and comedian Fiona Walsh
Irish Arts Center: New York City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn