interrobang letterpress: standing forms
interrobang letterpress: 15 years worth of archives - ~ 120 jobs
interrobang letterpress: WMBR post cards
interrobang letterpress: makeready sheets
interrobang letterpress: Pay Up - tap tap tap
interrobang letterpress: my work from 2000, and what was sent last year
interrobang letterpress: galley with standing forms
interrobang letterpress: need to rework the wording a bit
interrobang letterpress: 1st color form locked up and ready to go on press
interrobang letterpress: the meaty bit of the design
interrobang letterpress: this form has seen around 15,000 impressions
interrobang letterpress: swapping over 1st color for 2nd
interrobang letterpress: ready for the chase
interrobang letterpress: this form has printed somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 impressions to date
interrobang letterpress: 1,000 cards in lots of 100
interrobang letterpress: and there it is