InsideMyShell: 7 p.m., 4 April 2013
InsideMyShell: DSC_3408a
InsideMyShell: April 7, 2013
InsideMyShell: DSC_3423a
InsideMyShell: DSC_3565a
InsideMyShell: April 28, 2013
InsideMyShell: upside down
InsideMyShell: May 2, 2013
InsideMyShell: close up
InsideMyShell: toy store #play #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Red 2. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Just a frozen dinner tonight, too tired for something homemade. #taste #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: selfie #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Skyline 2 #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: far away #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Home. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: A quiet moment to journal after a hectic day. #stillness #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Books. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Floral. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Dinner #taste #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Something old: an undergarment from the trousseau of my great-grandmother, still unused. We found a few of these when we cleaned out my grannie's apartment last year. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Midday, at work. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: Walk along the Spree #latergram
InsideMyShell: Sunday morning. My weekend luxury is to have time to read the paper. #augustbreak2013
InsideMyShell: 40th wedding anniversary
InsideMyShell: It's Secret Santa time!