inmc: cartography1
inmc: cartography 2
inmc: cartography 3
inmc: 105423032006
inmc: 100224032006
inmc: 232024032006
inmc: micky
inmc: exercise uno
inmc: exercise dos
inmc: Is it forgivable? (exercise tres)
inmc: Soul Patch (exercise 4)
inmc: The nemotodes of truth going home (exercise cinco)
inmc: memory burns (exercise six)
inmc: under the depths (exercise seven)
inmc: And then it spills (exercise ocho)
inmc: views bisected (exercise nueve)
inmc: y por nada it still refuses
inmc: and then there was the river
inmc: Que?
inmc: when the cartilage tears
inmc: at times blood can congeal in strange patterns
inmc: lipids have come out to play
inmc: the neuron misfires
inmc: ghost axons dance in the dark of memory
inmc: shards of broken memory are often sharper than they appear
inmc: unlike their base cousins, mental fibrin leave juicy gaps
inmc: at times emotions can only be inferred
inmc: eclipse, not eclipse
inmc: inner dialogue
inmc: this is not mpreg fic