Inge Vautrin Photography:
Look into My Eyes
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Busy Bee
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Perched Grasshopper
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Boxelder Bug
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Happy Dragonfly
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Sachem Skipper Butterfly on Sunflower
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Metallic Green Bee
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Damselfly Baby Blues
Inge Vautrin Photography:
From My Garden
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Wasp Looking After its Larvae
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Damselfly Smile
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Young Grasshopper
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Brown Eyes
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Monarch Butterfly
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Double Date
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Vigilant Wasps
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Resting Upon A Leaf
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Dragonflies Mating
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Caught in the Moment
Inge Vautrin Photography:
A Fly Up Close
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Resting Robber Fly
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Wasp on Guard
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Metallic Green Bee on Flower
Inge Vautrin Photography:
A World of Yellow
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Mating Damselflies
Inge Vautrin Photography:
Bee In Flight