Matthew Straubmuller: From Detroit to DC. Time for Prayer
Matthew Straubmuller: A Prayer for Peace
Matthew Straubmuller: Prayer Time at the Embassy of Egypt
Matthew Straubmuller: Protest at the Embassy of Egypt
Matthew Straubmuller: Young & Old came to the Protest
Matthew Straubmuller: Freedom of Speach
Matthew Straubmuller: Embrace Peace
Matthew Straubmuller: Embassy of Egypt - Washington DC
Matthew Straubmuller: Protest at the Embassy of Egypt
Matthew Straubmuller: You'll Never Know
Matthew Straubmuller: Andrea Arenas capturing Tunisia
Matthew Straubmuller: Egyptian Protest in DC - 02/05/11
Matthew Straubmuller: Egyptian Protest in DC - 02/05/11
Matthew Straubmuller: Marching to the White House
Matthew Straubmuller: Marching to the White House
Matthew Straubmuller: Prayer before Protest
Matthew Straubmuller: Prayer before Protest