ikewinski: First light, last light
ikewinski: Red and green LED lights
ikewinski: Red and green make yellow
ikewinski: Dawning
ikewinski: Quilted sky at sunrise
ikewinski: Another pastel sunset
ikewinski: Last blue sky as night deepens
ikewinski: The purples are killing me
ikewinski: Fire on the mountain
ikewinski: Moonrise
ikewinski: Cirrus and stars
ikewinski: Sunrise contrail
ikewinski: Barren and cloudy
ikewinski: Orion's belt peeking through
ikewinski: Moon and meteor
ikewinski: Meteor 5:43am MST
ikewinski: Bioluminscent human-lepidopteran chimera dancing in the desert
ikewinski: Intersections
ikewinski: I am the illuminati
ikewinski: Fireball at dusk
ikewinski: Gathering at dawn
ikewinski: Sun pillar
ikewinski: Cold front barreling down
ikewinski: After the storm
ikewinski: Another pastel sunset
ikewinski: Low clouds and stars
ikewinski: Orion and clouds
ikewinski: Saturn and waning crescent moon
ikewinski: Saturn, Moon, Venus and Mercury at dawn
ikewinski: Fog on the ridge at sunrise