ideath: come on in
ideath: here is our house
ideath: have a seat
ideath: it's warmer in the back
ideath: who looks at the north side?
ideath: young applefence
ideath: salut backside
ideath: new angles
ideath: our house
ideath: seamus works
ideath: filling terrace
ideath: west side after wall
ideath: south side after wall
ideath: magnolia, no fence
ideath: ghost fence and hops
ideath: north side, with concrete pad
ideath: before, looking east
ideath: day's end
ideath: seamus put up the crossbars
ideath: a frame helps us read the space
ideath: kitchen and tired
ideath: compost bowl and peanuts, 12/8/2009
ideath: chicken and house in mirror
ideath: from front door, columns
ideath: dining room columns
ideath: from living room, entry
ideath: front window
ideath: dining room columns II
ideath: dining room window
ideath: old window