ian02054: Male Cardinal on Heart
ian02054: Male Cardinal in Garden
ian02054: Female Cardinal in Garden
ian02054: Two Trees
ian02054: Harbour Gull
ian02054: Waiting for a ferry
ian02054: Looking at the Bridge
ian02054: Where did all the Sealions Go ?
ian02054: An Empty Pier 39
ian02054: Escapee from Alcatraz
ian02054: Reflection of a gull on one leg
ian02054: Union Square
ian02054: The Painted Ladies
ian02054: SF City hall
ian02054: Gull having a rest
ian02054: Parade horse #2
ian02054: Irish Dancers #3
ian02054: Man with pipes
ian02054: Sax and drugs
ian02054: Banjo Guy
ian02054: Irish Dancers #2
ian02054: Irish Dancers #1
ian02054: Irish Dogs
ian02054: Reflections in brass
ian02054: Parade horse
ian02054: Looking out
ian02054: Mystery Woman
ian02054: The round window
ian02054: Catwalk
ian02054: Catwalk with people