hynkle: Oasis
hynkle: Snowy day at MIT
hynkle: Snow and Ice
hynkle: Catch
hynkle: *wink*
hynkle: What, is there something on my face?
hynkle: Drinking
hynkle: Pigeon
hynkle: Pack of Squirrels
hynkle: Squirrel
hynkle: Blocks of Ice
hynkle: Huddle
hynkle: Pigeon
hynkle: Landing Sparrow
hynkle: Starling
hynkle: Greedy
hynkle: Caught Red-Beaked
hynkle: Greedy
hynkle: Greedy
hynkle: Sparrow
hynkle: Greedy
hynkle: Sunset on the Charles
hynkle: Cold Duck at Sunset