roddheino: Rod on his fat bike con su niña. they came to see us off.
roddheino: Rod on his fat bike con su niña. they came to see us off.
roddheino: the literal money shot
roddheino: my and matts steed
roddheino: closer
roddheino: turns out a furious fred fits in ENVE cross fork. that's good
roddheino: turns out a furious fred fits in ENVE cross fork. that's good
roddheino: IMG_0328
roddheino: twas a lovely day. started out with deb and jane
roddheino: IMG_0331
roddheino: the group disappearing up the hillside of Meech Valley
roddheino: IMG_0336
roddheino: the group disappearing up the hillside of Meech Valley
roddheino: meech valley
roddheino: meech valley
roddheino: meech valley
roddheino: we stopped partway up the big climb to take in the ions
roddheino: pascal zenning out
roddheino: pascal zenning out
roddheino: the colours were quite a treat
roddheino: the colours were quite a treat
roddheino: the colours were quite a treat
roddheino: left hand only on the bars. That's the front brake. eek
roddheino: the colours were quite a treat
roddheino: IMG_0373