roddheino: me at seventh heaven SUN! day three
roddheino: me on day 3 seventh heaven SUN!
roddheino: very far edge of seventh heaven
roddheino: very far edge of seventh heaven
roddheino: very far edge of seventh heaven
roddheino: very far edge of seventh heaven
roddheino: very edge of seventh heaven
roddheino: very far edge of seventh heaven
roddheino: powder seventh heaven day three
roddheino: powder below seventh heaven, day three
roddheino: had to force a smile
roddheino: look at the note, someone dropped from there
roddheino: look at the note, someone dropped from there
roddheino: creek gulley makes for natural halfpipe
roddheino: creek gulley makes for natural halfpipe
roddheino: creek gulley makes for natural halfpipe
roddheino: down the creek gulley
roddheino: mmm soft powdery trees
roddheino: mmm soft powdery trees
roddheino: me having NO fun at all
roddheino: trees below the goat path
roddheino: trees below the goat path
roddheino: rat fink trees
roddheino: some of the scene in the trees below the goat path
roddheino: day 4 was a bit windy up top,
roddheino: day 4 was a bit windy up top,