sarahhbickerton: Storm clouds pull back as early-morning light shines through ... #nofilter
sarahhbickerton: New office location :)
sarahhbickerton: Random faux-Asian lawn ornaments that only white people would have ...
sarahhbickerton: Because what you need is a rodent dressed as a Jedi lawn ornament.
sarahhbickerton: Also this evening the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington, New Zealand lit up in rainbow colours in solidarity with the victims in Orlando.
sarahhbickerton: This evening the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand lit up in rainbow colours in solidarity with the victims in Orlando.
sarahhbickerton: Looking up towards the Hutt Valley through the clouds ...
sarahhbickerton: Wellington, on a wet & cloudy Autumn Saturday
sarahhbickerton: Lyall Bay at dusk ...
sarahhbickerton: Stairs ....
sarahhbickerton: Sitting waiting for a bus, looking across at the Beehive & a scaffolding-covered Parliament on an absolutely spectacular warm Autumn day ...
sarahhbickerton: The awesomeness that is a non-gendered toilet. As an introvert I ever so prefer these too.
sarahhbickerton: Stunning morning on Wellington Harbour ...
sarahhbickerton: Monday morning on a public holiday in downtown Wellington
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