Andy Pareti: New York, NY
barry crosthwaite: Snake Charmers
MK|PHOTOGRAPHY (on/off for a long time): Färöer -Múlafossur Waterfall and Gásadalur view
Körnchen59: Abendstimmung am Dargin See
jpvancopp: 8471
Josiane .: "There are two ways of spreading light : to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
Josiane .: "The water was glassy and calm, still candy-colored in the afterglow of sunset. "Stephen King
Josiane .: Close up
WolfgangPichler: Sternberk castle - Library
strongestlight: old transition II
Hildegard Spickenbaum: Schloss Dyck, Lichterfest
rafaela.linn: Wenn du drin bist...
WolfgangPichler: Český Šternberk Castle
DevoA: Commanderie des Templiers à Maine-de-Boixe (Charente)
Rebecca Ang: Hallstatt I
Rebecca Ang: Movement
Rebecca Ang: Intersections I
memories-in-motion: 6x17 Barley Panorama
IshranI: Eastern bluebird, Ontario
rafaela.linn: reflexion_reflexion
rafaela.linn: neue Ein- und Ausblicke
Körnchen59: Macro Mondays: one color - yellow
somareja*pictures: Treppenhaus-Explore#321# 3.4.2024 Dankeschön!
l z e e ~: puddle e c h o e s