.alsr.: LRT track
.alsr.: shaky hands
.alsr.: IMG_44442
.alsr.: IMG_4444
.alsr.: boredum
.alsr.: IMG_4440
.alsr.: New city brutal winter boredum
.alsr.: IMG_4430
.alsr.: lack of tools
.alsr.: random sketch
.alsr.: random sketch book
.alsr.: as far as it got before getting dissed
.alsr.: keepsix.com flick
.alsr.: progress shot from production still in the works, will post full pics once done ( 11ft by 18ft )
.alsr.: random still life sketch
.alsr.: random shit
.alsr.: IMG_4292
.alsr.: Letso exchange
.alsr.: [[LETSO]]
.alsr.: [[AGEN]]
.alsr.: Rough sketchin words. [[SOEM]]
.alsr.: CHEM X ALSER
.alsr.: CHEM exchange
.alsr.: BRODY
.alsr.: IMG_4206
.alsr.: ALSER
.alsr.: SKC / BTH wall