hiro_take: 読書/Reading
hiro_take: 待機/Wait
hiro_take: 渋滞の原因/cause of traffic congestion
hiro_take: 木漏れ日/Sunshine filtering through foliage
hiro_take: 整列/form a line
hiro_take: 街灯/Street light
hiro_take: TRIUMPH
hiro_take: BAR "Bordeaux"
hiro_take: 銀座 金春湯/Ginza Komparu-Yu
hiro_take: Alley
hiro_take: Alley
hiro_take: 消火栓/Hydrant
hiro_take: 昼食/Lunch
hiro_take: 丸窓/Round window
hiro_take: 椿屋珈琲店/Coffe shop "Tsubakiya"
hiro_take: 灯り/Lights
hiro_take: 豊岩稲荷神社/Toyoiwa-inari Shrine
hiro_take: お供え物/Offerings
hiro_take: 路地のバー/Bar in the Alley
hiro_take: 銀座 奥野ビル/Okuno Build. in Ginza
hiro_take: エレベーター/Elevator
hiro_take: 廊下/Corridor
hiro_take: ギャラリー/Gallery
hiro_take: ロボット/Robot
hiro_take: エレベーター/Elevator
hiro_take: 榎木大明神
hiro_take: 榎木大明神
hiro_take: 夏/summer