Johan Hetebrij:
N482AE MBB BK.117C-2 @ Oshkosh 28-Jul-2014 by Johan Hetebrij
Johan Hetebrij:
D-HNWO MBB BK.117C1 Polizei @ Flugplatz Dortmund 12-Sep-2009 by Johan Hetebrij
Johan Hetebrij:
"382" BK.117A-3 SAAF @ Ysterplaat 24-Sep-2010 by Johan Hetebrij
Johan Hetebrij:
D-HDPS BK117B2 c/n.7074 ADAC "Christoph 6" at the heliport of the Zentralkrankenhaus-hospital in Bremen, 26-May-2010 by Johan Hetebrij
Johan Hetebrij:
RF-32914 MBB BK-117 Centrospas Emercom of Russia @ Moscow Myachkovo 15-Aug-2005 by Johan Hetebrij