hepkatmama: Words without Voices Forms without Bodies by Simeen Ishaque courtesy of the McKinney Avenue Contemporary
hepkatmama: Words without Voices Forms without Bodies (3) by Simeen Ishaque courtesy of the McKinney Avenue Contemporary
hepkatmama: Words without Voices Forms without Bodies (2) by Simeen Ishaque courtesy of the McKinney Avenue Contemporary
hepkatmama: Words without Voices Forms without Bodies (1) by Simeen Ishaque courtesy of the McKinney Avenue Contemporary
hepkatmama: Uni Naked by Tyson Summers courtesy of Avenue Arts
hepkatmama: Two Elephants by Michael Roch courtesy of the Conduit Gallery
hepkatmama: Trolling for Floaters by Steven Hopgood-Lewis courtesy of the Public Trust
hepkatmama: The Consequences of Breathing by Kurth Bousman courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Take Another Little Bit of my Heart now Baby by Tami Demaree courtesy of the Conduit Gallery
hepkatmama: Sold On Soylent at And Or Gallery (2)
hepkatmama: Sold On Soylent at And Or Gallery (1)
hepkatmama: Skeleton Monkey with Monkeywrench by Edward Ruiz courtesy of Avenue Arts
hepkatmama: Saints of Last Resort No 10 by Kurth Bousman courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Sailing Woman with a Long Ear Cap by Steven Hopgood-Lewis courtesy of the Public Trust
hepkatmama: Reclining Man (view 2) by Karen Garrett courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Reclining Man (view 1) by Karen Garrett courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Purple Monkey with Monkeywrench by Edward Ruiz courtesy of Avenue Arts
hepkatmama: Natural Commodity (video installation) by Sasha Dela courtesy of the McKinney Ave Contemporary
hepkatmama: Natural Commodity (video installation view with settee and ) by Sasha Dela courtesy of the McKinney Ave Contemporary
hepkatmama: Naked Skeleton courtesy of Avenue Arts
hepkatmama: Mouse Man in Vehicle by Steven Hopgood-Lewis courtesy of the Public Trust
hepkatmama: Lost Horizon No 992 by Tami Demaree courtesy of the Conduit Gallery
hepkatmama: Kettle Gallery drum circle
hepkatmama: Just Judge (view 3) by Karen Garrett courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Just Judge (view 2) by Karen Garrett courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Just Judge (view 1) by Karen Garrett courtesy of HCG Gallery
hepkatmama: Installation by Tami Demaree courtesy of the Conduit Gallery
hepkatmama: Ike visits the Dallas Art Walk
hepkatmama: I Miss Pickle by Tony Bones courtesy of the Public Trust
hepkatmama: Hope Frolics through the Forest by Miguel Aguilar courtesy of Kettle Gallery