Henk48: loterij
Henk48: lezen2
Henk48: lezen1
Henk48: cyclists
Henk48: fiets
Henk48: bibliotheek2
Henk48: bibliotheek1
Henk48: closing time at the Dappermarkt in Amsterdam
Henk48: aan de grachten8
Henk48: aan de grachten6
Henk48: aan de grachten5
Henk48: aan de grachten4
Henk48: aan de grachten3
Henk48: aan de grachten1
Henk48: morning light in Amsterdam
Henk48: Amsterdam, a boattrip in the canals
Henk48: at the 'Oudeschans' in Amsterdam
Henk48: houseboat with 'Amsterdam Bridge' in the background
Henk48: the 'Peperbrug' over the 'Rapenburgwal'
Henk48: Building and appartments at the 'Zuidas', business district in Amsterdam
Henk48: Building and appartments at the 'Zuidas', business district in Amsterdam
Henk48: Building at the 'Zuidas', business district in Amsterdam
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, at the 'Oudeschans'
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, at the 'Prinsengracht'
Henk48: 'Enjoy the amazing giant pumpkin'
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, under the 'Amsterdamse Brug'
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, at the 'Oosterdok'
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, at the 'Westerdok'
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, at the 'Westerdok'
Henk48: houseboats of Amsterdam, at the 'Waalseilandsgracht'