Marcia Willson: The Shallow One and the Hollow One
Marcia Willson: B4B Heiresses Discuss Domestic Issues (You just can't get good help)
Marcia Willson: Sharon Nunovitt with Bush and Cheney
Marcia Willson: Bumper Sticker
Marcia Willson: B4B Billionaire Alotta Cash
Marcia Willson: B4B Robin U. Blind
Marcia Willson: B4B Billionaire Gimme Moore
Marcia Willson: B4B GWB and Robin Y'All chat with photographers
Marcia Willson: B4B Zena Phobe
Marcia Willson: B4B Zena Phobe with sign
Marcia Willson: B4B July 25 2008 Peoria Illinois
Marcia Willson: G W Bush with UAF (unidentified adoring fan)
Marcia Willson: B4B Rabid fan overwhelms GWB as Cheney looks on, calculating
Marcia Willson: B4B Lonely Guy
Marcia Willson: B4B Zena Phobe with GWB and Dick Cheney
Marcia Willson: B4B June 25th 2008