Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly, my new kitten; first photos
Hairlover: Poly and Lovie, chowing down
Hairlover: Poly, playing with her fuzzy ball
Hairlover: Poly, lounging on my recliner
Hairlover: Poly's front paws.
Hairlover: Poly, through exploring my computer hutch, begins to explore me.
Hairlover: Poly finished exploring behind the monitor
Hairlover: Poly checking things out
Hairlover: Poly exploring behind my computer monitor
Hairlover: Poly checking out my computer hutch
Hairlover: Poly, napping on my waterbed
Hairlover: Poly and Beck, tolerating each other
Hairlover: Happiness is a warm laptop
Hairlover: Poly learning about human oral hygiene
Hairlover: Poly's multiple toes
Hairlover: Poly lounging on my shoulder
Hairlover: Poly lounging on my shoulder
Hairlover: Poly, standing on my shoulder
Hairlover: Poly standing on my shoulder and nuzzling my face
Hairlover: Ingredients and implements for making French toast
Hairlover: Thick-sliced bread, batter mixture
Hairlover: Sausage cooking, first piece of French toast browning
Hairlover: Monday's dinner