katachthonios: crawdad
katachthonios: close and IR
katachthonios: Flowers were for sale; no more.
katachthonios: Foggy morning
katachthonios: shrouds
katachthonios: It's all about the light, baby!
katachthonios: got nothin'
katachthonios: the end
katachthonios: yay! spring.
katachthonios: mini-waterfall
katachthonios: double exposure meltdown
katachthonios: Well Will?
katachthonios: lone tree
katachthonios: toledo night
katachthonios: interurban
katachthonios: shiloh holiness full gospel mission
katachthonios: incoming
katachthonios: road to sun, barred by fence
katachthonios: strolling, trying to ignore the paparazzi.
katachthonios: Cornered, caught in the Camera's eye