gwen: dancin
gwen: Sawyer, return to roots
gwen: Michael, don't read if you didn't watch
gwen: Kate, thinking
gwen: I can't hear you, I've got a -- wait.
gwen: Happy summer
gwen: Berrrrrkeley
gwen: Echeveria gibbiflora var. metallica
gwen: The Two Dogs
gwen: 9:30 pm, watched West Side Story for bajillionth time
gwen: 9:32 pm, felt smart for catching the ham-handed foreshadowing
gwen: 10:04 pm, took break from one-woman talent show to shout OOOH, BUSTED at TV
gwen: 10:19 pm, cried a little
gwen: Tomorrow
gwen: Sorry.
gwen: First day of summer: 106°F
gwen: Vote now!
gwen: Come to the reception Friday!
gwen: Here it comes
gwen: Pebble Beach sunset by Chad
gwen: me, in gypsyeye's treasury
gwen: LOL.