Sustainable sanitation:
Entrance to the toilet part of the WiC. The blue section to the right also contains some of the drying and combustion components.
Sustainable sanitation:
Liquid treatment components contained under the toilet platform.
Sustainable sanitation:
Solid waste treatment components also under the toilet platform.
Sustainable sanitation:
Electrochemical disinfection unit for treatment of liquid waste
Sustainable sanitation:
Point of liquid and solid waste separation
Sustainable sanitation:
Solid waste is transported and dried using a screw-like device up and to the left through the metal section.
Sustainable sanitation:
View of the solid-liquid separation and solid drying components.
Sustainable sanitation:
Low flow flush squat plate designed by ROCA
Sustainable sanitation:
Demonstration of the flush
Sustainable sanitation:
Pedal used to flush the WiC
Sustainable sanitation:
Drying and combustion unit
Sustainable sanitation:
Combustion unit used to treat dried solid waste and generate electricity used to power the system.
Sustainable sanitation:
Combustion unit used to treat dried solid waste and generate electricity used to power the system.