Sustainable sanitation: Toilet attached to classroom
Sustainable sanitation: Toothbrush holder
Sustainable sanitation: Door to toilet is used for health messages / posters
Sustainable sanitation: Toilet attached to classroom
Sustainable sanitation: Toothbrush holder
Sustainable sanitation: Toilet attached to classroom
Sustainable sanitation: A plant against odour
Sustainable sanitation: Toilet attached to classroom with bottles for flushing
Sustainable sanitation: Toilet attached to classroom
Sustainable sanitation: Toilet attached to classroom
Sustainable sanitation: Water for flushing toilet in a bucket
Sustainable sanitation: Water for flushing toilets in bottles
Sustainable sanitation: Close up of health corner
Sustainable sanitation: Drinking water in the classrooms is purchased
Sustainable sanitation: Example of a health corner
Sustainable sanitation: Group facility
Sustainable sanitation: Ground handwashing and toothbrushing facility
Sustainable sanitation: Soap in a stocking
Sustainable sanitation: Soap in a stocking
Sustainable sanitation: Toothpaste as part of the EHCP health care package
Sustainable sanitation: Detail of water tap iwht soap
Sustainable sanitation: Group facilitiy
Sustainable sanitation: Group facility for one class with a roof
Sustainable sanitation: Teachers toilet in the principals office
Sustainable sanitation: Teachers toilet in the principals office
Sustainable sanitation: Abandoned outdoor toilet facility
Sustainable sanitation: Interior of abandoned toilet is used as storage
Sustainable sanitation: Abandoned outdoor toilet facility.
Sustainable sanitation: Pupils at school
Sustainable sanitation: Female pupils are being interviewed by District Nurse