cliffeotc: #TrainWithCliff Just completed an amazing 45 minute spin class. Will definitely have to take a nap today as I have a one hour Leg Day strength training session scheduled 13.5 hours from now.
cliffeotc: #TrainWithCliff Just completed a one hour back and biceps strength training session.
cliffeotc: My workout today.... 5 minutes on the StairMaster, 100 perfect form push-ups, 5 minutes on the StairMaster, 30 machine assisted chin-ups, 25 (97.5lb) cable crunches, 5 minutes on the StairMaster, 100 push-ups for I'm my knees, 5 minutes on the StairMaste
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I just completed another one hour legs and shoulders strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I completed another awesome one hour chest and triceps strength training session with our personal trainer, Joe Stotlar (aka @the_white_hulk45 ). #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed another great cardio workout. I climbed 137 floors on the StairMaster. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I completed an 80 minute chest and triceps strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: I had an amazing time here in Manchester for #NMEU. It was an amazing weekend with some wonderful people from all over the world. I'm heading home today.
cliffeotc: So here's the deal, so many people let their FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) keep them from doing the most important things. My keynote went awesome yesterday. Even better than I had dreamed. I had some great time connecting with folks for about 2.5 hrs af
cliffeotc: I snuck away from #NMEU for a bit to get in today's workout. You make time for the things that are most important to you. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed a 30 minute back and biceps strength training session in the gym here at the Midland Hotel in Manchester UK. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Squeezed in a 400 calorie elliptical workout in before getting ready for the airport. Excited to be heading back to the UK. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: So I did leg day a day early due to the fact that I'm flying out to the UK tomorrow. I came home and did some cardio with Stephanie. I ran two miles on the treadmill and she's finishing up an hour on the elliptical. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed a great legs and shoulders strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I just completed an 80 minute chest and triceps strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: So I was going through my closet to find what I'm going to wear during my #NMEU Keynote and found that I've dropped a few pants sizes since I last gave a "big talk." This photo shows the pants that I wore when I spoke at Michael Hyatt's and Ken Davis' Pl
cliffeotc: Today was a 75 minute back & biceps strength training day. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed an intense 60 minute cardio workout. Burned just over 700 calories. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: I made a new batch of my homemade energy bars. I call them "The Real Cliff Bar." They are 212 calories per bar, taste great and they don't cause me to have sugar rushes or crashes. Wanna see the recipe? Check out
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I enjoyed 1 hour 15 minutes of Legs and Shoulders strength training today. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed a 1 hour and 10 minutes chest and triceps strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: I did it! I just completed my second solo century ride, just one week after my first one. Awesome ride today. It took 7 hours 36 minutes of "moving time." I was out for a total of 9 hours 16 minutes due to the various breaks I took. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: The ride is going awesome. I'm over half way to 100 miles. Awesome weather! Looks like the rain is going to hold off. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Heading out for my second solo century ride. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I enjoyed our stretches after our 1hr 15min back & biceps strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I completed at 75 minute legs and shoulders strength training session this evening. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed a 50 minute workout. I split it up between sets of biceps and elliptical cardio. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Stephanie and I just completed another 1 hour chest and triceps strength training session. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: I just completed my first Century ride. It took 8,5 hours (7 hours and 8 minutes moving time) to cycle 100 miles. My average heart rate was 145 BPM. I burned over 7,400 calories. #TrainWithCliff
cliffeotc: Just completed a 1hr 15min Back & Biceps strength training session. #TrainWithCliff