Wuzbug: Last stage. My portrait of Kate Bush. Luminance pencil drawing by jmsw on 300 Gsm black recycled smooth card.
daniel radtke 2: New Line‘s Sketches Nr. 14 - 20.04.2024
Wuzbug: Luminance pencil study portrait drawing on recycled black card. By jmsw.
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-039 Richtung Campo Imperatore
artbwf: goatofmendez for JKKP
Etching Stone: strawberry
nomm de photo: Alien World
Amba-lee: Gaia
daniel radtke 2: New Line‘s Sketches Nr. 13 - 19.04.2024
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-029 Castel del Monte
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-024 Castel del Monte
Wuzbug: My study version, of a painting by Gilbert Stuart, 1755-1828.American painter, a Portrait of Matilda Stoughton de Jaudenes.
sampling.angel: DSC07540
artbwf: River
Amba-lee: Bedazzled
daniel radtke 2: Sketches Nr. 29 - 18.04.2024
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-026 Castel del Monte
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-020 Castel del Monte
Amba-lee: Cats Galore
Enrico Luigi Delponte: Portraits of People I do not Know.
Enrico Luigi Delponte: Persone che non Conosco.
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-028 Castel del Monte
rechnerklemmt: 20120902-033 Castel del Monte
Wuzbug: Study , impression of trees at sundown by the lake. Diluted ink brushwork by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.
www.johnkilmartinart.co.uk/: A detail of the Mural
artbwf: Under Foot
Amba-lee: Exhibition
rod1691: #1533 Cocosaur