godran25: Site archéologique du Mont Saint-Germain
godran25: Metz - Forteresse du Mont-Saint-Quentin
godran25: Metz - Forteresse du Mont-Saint-Quentin
godran25: Au Mont Afrique
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
vdgoltz: Travemünde
violica: edera comune, bosco romagno
fusrodahdude: Corner Pocket
fusrodahdude: Lost Pirate City
godran25: Le Saussois - Ancien refuge du Club Alpin Français
vdgoltz: Barmstedt Schloßinsel
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
godran25: Chapelle monolithe de Fontanges
urbangarden: 20220812_190222
urbangarden: Various plants (see below)
urbangarden: Foreground: Penstemon (beardtongue) Pensham Czar; behind: Pensham Amelia Jane. To the right (back to front): Oxalis tetraphylla, Silene schafta, and ivy. Top left: geraniums.
godran25: Château-Chalon, ruines du château
urbangarden: Ivy (hedera) Please help with precise identification if you can!
vdgoltz: Hude Klosterruine von 1232
vdgoltz: Hude Klosterruine von 1232
vdgoltz: Hamburg Ohlstedt Rodenbekteich
urbangarden: Left: lily Asiatic red; centre: ivy; right: Petunia Frenzy Feeling