Shot by Squeakaz: NSW Trainlink EC2521 leading SP34 toward Sydney from Canberra at Werai
Shot by Squeakaz: NSW Trainlink EA2504 leading SP33 towards Canberra at Werai
Brians Railway, Bus and Shipping Collection: IMG_1928 Explorer Cars EC2524 EB2514 EA2504 South Goulburn SP34 25.5.23
PrendosCK5: IMG_2118
Brians Railway, Bus and Shipping Collection: IMG_1004 Explorer Cars EA2506 EB2517 EB2516 EC2526 EA2505 EC2522 Singleton NP23 11.5.23
Nathan Murphy: The Elvis Express 2022
Nathan Murphy: Borenore XPT
Nathan Murphy: Newbridge: Closed but not gone
Nathan Murphy: The Intercapital Daylight Express
PJ Reading: Back to Sydney
PJ Reading: Leaving Melbourne Behind
PJ Reading: Departing SCS
Nathan Murphy: Overnight XPT
WallyRail Images: 20220915-07-ST24-Wangaratta
WallyRail Images: 20220915-06-ST24-Wangaratta
PJ Reading: Turnback Time
PJ Reading: Nearly There
Nathan Murphy: Quaint Quirindi
Ghostryder2011: SCT Meets Trainlink
NR1984: WT28
NR1984: NT33
Nathan Murphy: The Rock XPT
NR1984: ST24
NR1984: SP42
NR1984: SP32
bukk05: XPT2008 trails as it thunders through Metford station
bukk05: XPT2003 runs at line speed through Thornton with XPT2005 trailing
bukk05: XPT2004 is the rear power unit on the daytime service to Sydney seen at Table Top
bukk05: XPT2008 trails XPT2005 as they depart Albury station with the daylight service from Melbourne to Sydney