bothenook: Yup, he's a Giants fan
bothenook: What better zipper fob for a fisherman than a spinner lure?
bothenook: Shaving kits #2 and #3.
bothenook: finished bags 2 and 3
bothenook: New sheath completed
bothenook: New sheath almost done
bothenook: Starting a new gun sheath
bothenook: In sheaths
bothenook: Stitch, stitch, stitch
madisa1: 가죽공예-클래식백(Leather craft-Classic bag)
madisa1: 가죽공예-패치백(Leather craft-Patch bag)
madisa1: 가죽공예-대금가방(Leather craft-Instrument case)
madisa1: 가죽공예-클러치백(Leather craft-Bag)
madisa1: 가죽공예-백(천연염색 가죽백-Leather craft-Bag)
madisa1: 가죽공예-메이크업 백(Leather craft-Cosmetic bag)
asamimasa: _DSC1938-2 copy
asamimasa: _DSC1956 copy
asamimasa: _DSC1969 copy
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asamimasa: _DSC8622 copy
asamimasa: _DSC8615 copy
Marius Mellebye / 276ccm: Leather Craft - Scroll Seat
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asamimasa: _IMG0266 copy