negoda: Rodalies de Catalunya
Jocarlo: Barcelona
Jocarlo: Barcelona
negoda: Parrot on the rope
Jocarlo: Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)
Marc .: jardins
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: Basílica of Santa María del Mar (The Cathedral of the Sea)
eduancast: Basílica of Santa María del Mar (The Cathedral of the Sea)
Thank you for 3.2 million views: Caller at Place Real
eduancast: BCN Photowalk
eduancast: BCN Photowalk
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: Walking and watching
eduancast: Photowalk
eduancast: Photowalk
tgrauros: Jardins del Doctor Pla i Armengol_1698870790279
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: BCN Street
eduancast: BCN street
eduancast: Abstraction
eduancast: Encantat
eduancast: Untitled
eduancast: Two worlds, two realities
Jocarlo: Drawing, with more than a millón of lines , the Sagrada Familia, of Barcelona
Neo Urbex: Les rues de barcelone.